- Grant letter
When the client was applying for a 187 visa, the Visa decision maker denied the visa on the grounds of genuine position. In fact, Somerset Law Firm believed that the client was denied the visa for very insufficient reasons. After communicating with the client, an appeal was filed with AAT.
The AAT is receptive to new application materials and new arguments at the hearing, so prior to the invitation to the AAT hearing, Australian immigration lawyers at Somerset Law completed a detailed 12-page case submission (submission) for the client. This is arguably the key document for an AAT reversal, which requires a detailed explanation of the unreasonableness of the decision to refuse the visa and that the client is in full compliance with the requirements of the immigration law for the appropriate visa, as well as professional arguments and supporting immigration law provisions.
Due to the epidemic, the company’s operation wasn’t good as before. However, our immigration lawyer made maximum foresight on the issues that the case might be challenged by AAT, also completed a detailed 12-page case submission (submission) for the client, which made a detailed explanation of the unreasonableness of the decision to refuse the visa and that the client is in full compliance with the requirements of the immigration law for the appropriate visa.
Finally, just half day after the morning hearing, we received the good news!
With our experience at complex Australian immigration matters, you can expect a superior outcome.